Tuesday 27 September 2016
This past Thursday, students participated in our first Grade 2 liturgy.  Each week, a different class will be responsible to lead the liturgy, in the learning commons.  Our class is responsible for this week's liturgy.  Below are photos taken during our first liturgy.

In math, we continue to explore ways to represent, compare and order numbers.  Students are using various tools to represent numbers including base ten blocks, ten frames and number lines. 

In language, we are working on how to recount a realistic or fictional story.  We created an anchor chart to highlight important features to include in a recount.  I look forward to reading their weekend recounts that they are working on.  

I enjoyed the students simple machines presentations.  Students did a wonderful job highlighting the item that they brought it.  We will be continuing to explore simple machines and learn all about how they make doing jobs easier. 

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