Sunday 18 September 2016
It was wonderful meeting many of you at the Welcome Back BBQ on Thursday.  The students had a wonderful time showing off the classroom to everyone!

This week, we continued to learn about each other and how to best work in groups.  Students understand how each person in a group is valuable and brings their own fresh perspective to a task.

In Math, we started exploring how to represent numbers.  Students decided that using tally marks, ten frames, place value mats and pictures were the best ways to show what they knew about a number.

In Language, we are reviewing strategies we can use when we come across a word that we do not know.    Using books that are at our level, students were able to practice these skills when they met with their Grade 4 reading buddies.  Ask your child about their buddy. A reminder that our library day is Monday.  Students will need to have their books at school tomorrow (1 French, 1 English). 

In Science, I look forward to seeing what students came up with for their simple machines task.  Students will be presenting what they brought in this week.  These presentations are due in tomorrow.

This week we also had our first fire drill practice.  We needed some reminders and additional practice to walk outside as quickly and quietly as possible.  I am sure we will do a much better job on the next practice.

1.  Please return your student verification form if you have not already done so.
2.  Please return your technology consent form if you have not already done so.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

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