Remembrance Day

Tuesday 15 November 2016
Over the past two weeks, students have been hard at work exploring the concept of Peace and creating beautiful artwork. I am incredibly impressed at how reflective and focused students have been exploring such a deep topic. We started by reading the book "What does peace feel like" by Valdimir Radunsky. Students developed questions they were wondering about Peace and used their senses to reflect on how we identify peace in our day-to-day lives. With a partner, students are trying to answer some of the questions that their fellow classmates came up with. Stay tuned to see our whole Peace journey. Below is the completed artwork that students created.
Last week, we also participated in Scientists in Schools. An afternoon like this could not have been possible without our volunteers. Thank you for all of your support! Students learnt a lot that afternoon and we continue to develop our understanding of simple machines.
We have some local celebrities in our class! On Sunday, Global National featured our Grade 5 class's war museum that they created in their classroom. A handful of our grade 2's were selected to visit the museum during taping. Here is the link.....

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